Sacrilege; You'll be burned at the stake for saying
such things! Recant now before it's too late.
No time chat - threaded index
- For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky,,
Robert J. Garrity
- Time does not exist (and neither does motion),
Robert L. Vaessen
- Re: NowNowNowNowNowNowNow...,
Robert L. Vaessen
- Re: Time?,
Robert L. Vaessen
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Time?,
Ramsey, Robert T (Space Systems)
- Time does not exist,
Robert L. Vaessen
- Re: limitations on choices = no infinite choices,
Patrick G Konshak
- All things don't come to an end, they convert.,
Patrick G Konshak
- All things don't come to an end, they convert. Part 2.,
Patrick G Konshak
- Re: Fw: The Root Node,
Patrick G Konshak
- Re: Time as a concept,
Patrick G Konshak
- Chaos,
Patrick G Konshak
- Temporaphobia,
Patrick G Konshak
- Good News Your Right.,
Patrick G Konshak
- Terminator with a limp,
Robert L. Vaessen
- Re: Publication of time correspondence,
Rob Garrity
- At the tone the time will be 23 nodes past infinity, beep...........,
Patrick G Konshak
- George has left the train.,
Patrick G Konshak
- Re: On the outside looking in,
Patrick G Konshak
- How I would do it.,
Patrick G Konshak
- Starting Over.,
Patrick G Konshak
- Re: Secretly Solipsist,
Patrick G Konshak
- Fwd: Devolution,
Robert L. Vaessen
- Interesting read,
Sean Anderson
Mail converted by MHonArc 2.5.12
Author: Robert L. Vaessen e-mail:
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